Left & Right Joins in SQL


SQL joins are instrumental in shaping the datasets you retrieve from your database. However, sometimes you're interested in data that may not exist in both tables you're joining, leading to potentially incomplete datasets. This is where Left and Right joins come in handy. These types of joins help you retrieve data even when there's no matching record in one of the tables. This article explores the concepts of Left and Right joins in SQL, their differences, use cases, and best practices.

Left Join


The LEFT JOIN or LEFT OUTER JOIN returns all records from the left table, along with matching records from the right table. If there's no match, NULL values are returned for columns from the right table.


SELECT columns

FROM table1

LEFT JOIN table2

ON table1.column = table2.column;


SELECT Employees.Name, Orders.OrderID

FROM Employees


ON Employees.EmployeeID = Orders.EmployeeID;

In this example, you'll get a list of all employees along with their orders, even if some employees haven't placed any orders. Those entries will simply show NULL for OrderID.

Use-Cases for Left Join

Data Auditing: To verify if all records in one table have corresponding records in another table.

Data Augmentation: To enrich a dataset with optional additional information from another table.

Right Join


The RIGHT JOIN or RIGHT OUTER JOIN returns all records from the right table, along with matching records from the left table. If there's no match, NULL values are returned for columns from the left table.


SELECT columns

FROM table1


ON table1.column = table2.column;


SELECT Orders.OrderID, Customers.CustomerName

FROM Orders

RIGHT JOIN Customers

ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID;

In this example, you'll get a list of all customers along with their orders, even if some customers haven't placed any orders. Those entries will show NULL for OrderID.

Use-Cases for Right Join

Data Completion: To check for data that should exist but doesn't in the primary table.

Data Reporting: To generate reports that include all records, irrespective of matching criteria.

Differences Between Left and Right Joins

Orientation: Left Join focuses on including all records from the left table, whereas Right Join focuses on the right table.

Null Handling: Left Join will fill columns from the right table with NULL if there is no match, and vice versa for Right Join.

Interchangeability: A Left Join can be converted to a Right Join by swapping the table names and adjusting the column references, and vice versa.

Best Practices

Be Explicit: Always specify whether you are using a LEFT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT OUTER JOIN for clarity, even though SQL defaults to OUTER.

Check for NULL: After performing a Left or Right join, ensure you handle NULL values appropriately in your application logic or within SQL queries.

Optimization: Knowing your data distribution can help you choose between Left and Right join for more efficient querying.


Left and Right joins are invaluable SQL techniques for fetching data from two tables, particularly when you are dealing with asymmetrical data or optional relationships. Knowing when to use these joins can provide you with more flexibility and control over your data retrieval tasks, ensuring that you never miss out on important data points.